Seven Points of Mind Training

From Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
By Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Point 3 : Transformation of Bad Circumstances

Point 3 and the Paramita of Patience

Now that we have studied the ultimate and relative bodhichitta practices and the postmeditation experiences connected with them, the third group of slogans is connected with how to carry out all those practices as path. In Tibetan this group of slogans is known as lamkhyer: lam meaning "path" and khyer meaning "carrying." In other words, whatever happens in your life should be included as part of your journey. That is the basic idea.
This group of slogans is connected with the paramita of patience. The definition of patience is forbearance. Whatever happens, you don't react to it. The obstacle to patience is aggression. Patience does not mean biding your time and trying to slow down. Impatience arises when you become too sensitive and you don't have any way to deal with your environment, your atmosphere. You feel very touchy, very sensitive. So the paramita of patience is often described as a suit of armor. Patience has aspects of dignity and forbearance. You are not so easily disturbed by the world's aggression.